American Comfort Food
Bubby’s beloved restaurant and pie shop originated in Tribeca, New York. From there we have continued our mission to deliver good old “heirloom recipes”.Now here in Japan, you can enjoy our simple and fresh comfort food, such as homemade pies, pancakes, burgers and meatloaf, served just as if you were in our original restaurant, Bubby’s New York.
オーナーであるRon Silverからみなさまへのメッセージです。

Ron became a chef in the 1980s after serving at various restaurants.Over time he started to question the value of the fancy small portioned dishes, which were in trend in the industry back then. That made him seek out the roots of American food.So in the 1990s, he opened his first homemade pie shop “Bubby’s” in Tribeca, New York.
Defending the American Table
アメリカの食文化と言うと、ファーストフードを思い浮かべる方も多いのではないでしょうか。本当は、各地方や家庭で脈々と受け継がれてきた食文化が存在しています。ロン・シルバーは、自らアメリカ各地を訪れて、それぞれの家庭に伝わる“Heirloom recipe”
When you think about American food, probably many of you would conjure up images of fast food. The truth is a food culture, which has been continuously passed on from one generation to another regionally as well as at home, does exist. Ron has travelled around the country and gathered a range of authentic “heirloom recipes”. Now and again, you get to see our original fun dishes inspired by American literature as well.

For moms and grandmas at good old American homes, the first step of cooking they take is to choose the best ingredients thinking of the best for their own family.In this tradition we would like people to know where their food came from, who grew it and what’s good about it.Since 2008, Bubby’s has opened up original routes for ingredient sourcing in order to be able to connect with the farm producers directly to pursue our “off the commercial food grid” philosophy.
Chef/Owner Ron Silver began baking pies and selling them to restaurants and his neighbors out of a small kitchen at the corner of Hudson and North Moore St. Tribeca.He specially opened the shop for the neighbors on Thanksgiving Day 1990, it was only a one-day shop but the huge positive feedback kept the shop open for the following three weeks. That caught the attention of the building owner, then young Ron was allowed to continue the shop, which then lead to signing a contract. The shop started with only 20 seats, then gradually grew to an American cuisine restaurant with 100 seats and an expanded menu. The first “Bubby’s” in Japan was opened in 2009 followed by opening Highline in 2013.

The mission has remained the same from that first day.
- “Our objective is to welcome each and every guest as if they were guests in our home.”
- “We want to raise the awareness of the beauty of American food.”
We are to keep working on serving our food with “Warm Hands & Loving Heart”, like moms and grandmas in America do for their family, every moment, everyday. Bubby’s in Tribeca has become a restaurant loved by generations since it was opened in 1990.
We at Bubby’s here in Japan, aspire to follow the same path.